Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daily Egg Hunts

I am all about fresh ingredients so if I can farm them I will.

I have 3 free range hens at home. The native chicken, who's name is "Manang" because of her old age like temperament,  is about 2 years old and the two kabirs, Anne Hatchaway and Yolko Ono (Punny names my sister gave them) is about 8 months.

They have an area where they sleep and feed that they just naturally settled to but they spend most of their time around the garden. I just recently decided to build a chicken coop, mainly because I've been doing daily egg hunts on my native chicken eggs.

She would just lay her eggs everywhere. Once I saw eggs inside a box of paint in our laundry area, Another time it was by a bunch of old plastic duster, and just recently is was behind a palm bush in the corner of our garden where the gas tanks are.

I get 2-3 eggs daily with about Php 47.00 ($1.15) a week on feeds which means the eggs are costing me between Php 2.75- Php 3.50 a piece. Egg laying will depend on how long the days are so when rainy season comes they'll lay less and less. Some people put lights in there coop to mimic daylight but I just keep it natural.

Native chicken and Kabir  are very low maintenance chickens so they don't need much taking care of. As long as you give them sufficient feeds and clean water daily you'll be fine. They also know how to forage for their own food so free range is really the way to go with these chickens.

They also have their own personalities and are nice as pets. They don't make that much noise so they won't bother the neighbors. I highly recommend taking care of chickens for eggs. They're low maintenance, economical, and just fun to do.

On my next blog I'll teach you how to make my version of a perfect omelette

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