Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Constant Struggle

Mock Truffles
I have a lot of things I struggle with one of which is obviously blogging, not having contributed to this site for over a year.

I am one of those who aren't that great at life. Forgetting to pay bills, failing at waking up on time, and enjoys doing things that are specially unproductive over what needs to be done.

My will is weaker than many people I know. I secretly think, or wish, that they are just like me, faking the fact I have everything together well in fact I am a wreck.

What's particularly difficult is work. You can ask any chef, at least the ones I know, and they will say that this profession is not for the faint of heart. It requires a certain level of confidence, an amount that I never really thought I had and still don't think I do. What keeps me going is my faith and with that I know I can move mountains.

This is why I have decided to start blogging again. A healthy distraction that might start a spark in me again. A first of many steps to fulfill many other things I would love to do. So bare with me for a moment while I "fake it to make it". Whatever making it means is something I hope to figure out in the future.

Mock Truffle Recipe

This is basically cake scraps from when I made this dog cake for a client

  1. Mix the scraps and extra icing together and chill it in the fridge. The measurements doesn't really matter as much. whatever amount you have will work. This is basically whatever you have left.
  2. Portion into 2-3 tbsp. worth of the mix and roll into balls. Place the balls onto parchment paper then place it in the deep freeze for 3-4 hours.
  3. When the cake balls are finally hard melt some chocolate in a double boiler for coating.
  4. Coat each ball by using a toothpick or a fork and dipping the frozen balls into the melted chocolate. Place it back in the parchment and keep in the chiller until you want to serve it.
  5. Before serving roll the coated cake balls in cocoa powder to make it look like truffles.

What have you been struggling on lately and what are you doing to cope with it?

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